
    SUZHOU HENGXING IMP.&EXP.TRADE CO.,LTD  is based in Suzhou,China.
    SUZHOU HENGXING IMP.&EXP. TRADE CO.,LTD has a wide range and network of agents and suppliers globally, who look up to us and take the advantage we offer them by trading with us.
    SUZHOU HENGXING IMP.&EXP. TRADE CO.,LTD imports a wide range of eatables. It also has a strong focus on international commodities such as personal care and toiletry, household clearing.
    SUZHOU HENGXING IMP.&EXP. TRADE CO.,LTD has a commitment to quality, value & timeliness and is accustomed to achieving it every time. We have a dedicated and experienced staff that respond to customer orders on a timely manner and ensure to provide them with the best competitive prices. Well-qualified & experienced team will ensure you uncompromised satisfaction and peace of mind across our supply chain. 
    SUZHOU HENGXING IMP.&EXP.TRADE CO.,LTD is dedicated to restoring stronger ties with its existing markets and further building its markets globally. We ensure to take care of complete accuracy in every transaction passing through us.
    We value the relationship with each of our suppliers and customers. We look forward to developing a long term partnership of trust, honesty and integrity with all our stakeholders .
    Quality assurance management is our key to delight our clients.

    苏州恒兴坐落于中国.苏州,公司销售渠道遍布全国,采购方向除了专注于食品行业,同时也将视野放眼于全球 个人及家用洗护产品。
